As I am sitting here this morning scrolling through Facebook and watching some news, all the talk is about Black Friday, which somehow this year rolled into Thanksgiving. I see a post from one of our local TV stations showing a protest outside a Wal-Mart store.
I am stunned to read the comments from people. One woman called it liberal BS. Really??? I couldn't let that one go by. Why is it liberal BS to want a living wage? Why should some one have to work 35 hours a week instead of 40 so the company doesn't have to pay for benefits? Why should we have to subsidize these workers with low income housing and food stamps?
The Walton family hold more wealth than 40 percent of the rest of the country. How much is too much?
The Machinists union rejected an offer from Boeing to build the 777x here. People are all in a dither. Not because the Boeing offer was crap. They are in a dither because they think Boeing workers already get paid too much. So, the solution seems easy in some people's feeble little minds, how about the Wal-Mart workers who want more money, just go work for Boeing? Simple right?
I have a better idea. Why doesn't Wal-Mart pay their employees a living wage? It's not like they are asking for the moon. And, why doesn't Boeing appreciate their skilled workforce they have in the Northwest, and remember that they had to spend a bunch of money to correct the mess with the 787. That was some big savings there wasn't it??
So, I am staying home today, like I do every Black Friday. And, if I shop anywhere tomorrow, it will be at a local shop.
And, don't forget what this season is supposed to be about. Love, giving, family & friends. Merry Christmahanukwanska
Seriously! When did we become such a greedy, self-serving, pig-headed bunch of people? And that's not to mention the two-faced, bald-faced liars that inhabit the American Congress right now.
Congress shuts down the government at a cost of 24 billion dollars. And now they have to cut food stamps because it costs too much and people are moochers.
The Affordable Care Act is a disaster because the website can't handle the traffic. It's not because the Republican governors & state legislators refused to take the federal funding or set up state exchanges. (read the previous with lots of snark)
The State of Michigan does not exist in a democracy anymore. It's being run pretty much by the governor and whomever he appoints to run various cities.
There are still Americans that can't marry the person they love.
There are families being torn apart because we can't come up with some immigration reform.
Children are dying everyday because people can't keep their guns in a safe place.
People are dying everyday because our mental healthcare in this country is practically nonexistent.
Veterans are dying and suffering everyday because we can't seem to give a fraction back to them for what they gave to us.
In some states women can't get the private healthcare they are entitled to because of some creepy old men, and some really ignorant women making up laws to put government in your doctor's office. Some small government, huh?
People are being prevented from voting because of laws that are being made because the only way the Republicans can win now is to cheat.
I heard the other day that I should be making about $20k more than I am compared to 40 years ago. Yeah, that makes me feel better...
I suppose I can take comfort in knowing that soon, all this won't matter anymore because, according to some who think they know God's mind, the end is near and we will all be either going to heaven or hell soon. (more snark) That is, of course, if we survive the climate changes.