Are you getting sick of the adds yet? Don't you just want to throw your TV out the window? I watch most of my TV on DVR and even I'm sick of the adds. Lies about him, Lies about her, lies about this initiative and that referendum. You don't know who or what to believe. Regardless of how you vote however, or how confused you are, you still have many days to do the research and get out there and vote. The research isn't easy, but you have to do your best to find the truth.
We can't let the big corporate money win this election. One of the ways you can research is to look into who's backing whom or what. If big money and corporations are backing something, you can pretty much be sure that you need to vote against it.
I am disgusted with the amount of money that is being put into this election season all around the country. In California, Meg Whitman & Carly Fiorina are putting their personal fortunes into their campains. Karl Rove is backing many a Teabagger. It's revolting the amount of money being poured down the drain. This has got to stop! 9.6% unemployment. Huge amounts of people on food stamps. Many, many families struggling with day to day expenses and these rich fat cats are pouring all this money into winning power over all of us to take us down even more. And on top of it, it looks like it's not just American rich fat cats.
We can't let them win! We have to stand up for ourselves and fight back. There's got to be a way to fight back. There's got to be some regulations put on these elections. The Supreme Court has totally and completly screwed the middle class.
People worry about us all speaking Spanish some day... I'd worry more that we all may be speaking Chinese in the next 30 or 40 years.
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By reading your "commentary" I believe you may have been brainwashed by the radical left. You talk about not letting "big corporate money" win this election. "Big corporate money" backed more democrats and outspent Republican candidates by a huge margin. New influxes of money from superpac American Families First Fund, George Soros and labor unions have undercut the democratic attempts to blame well-funded conservative groups for the historic wave of losses the democrats received. The strategies included using money from nonprofits that can keep their donors secret and tapping into union dues to pay for unlimited attack ads.
ReplyDeleteYou talk about money going down the drain. There was almost a trillion dollars in stimulus that the current administration spent that came out of our pockets to reduce unemployment. It went from 7.4% to 9.6%. This debt will be on the heads of your children and your children's children. Our fed chair just bought an additional 600 billions dollars of our own debt lowering the value of the dollar and allowing the Chinese to help finance this debt. The current administration has allowed the Chinese to take more of our gov't debt and this will come back to haunt us just as you predicted. You should also know that the current administration signed contracts allowing offshore drilling rights to the Chinese in the last 30 days. Read up on Iceland and Greece to see where this is going. We're following the failed progressive policies of the early 20th century that led to the great depression. You talk about being educated and researching issues before making decisions. You need to do a lot more research. You have been brainwashed.
Obama is on track to have the most spectacularly failed presidency since Woodrow Wilson. In the modern era, we've seen several failed presidencies.But, Barack Obama is failing. Failing big. Failing fast. failing everywhere: foreign policy, domestic initiatives, and most importantly, in forging connections with the American people. The incomparable Dorothy Rabinowitz in the Wall Street Journal put her finger on it: He is failing because he has no understanding of the American people, and may indeed loathe them. Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard says he is failing because he has lost control of his message, and is overexposed.Clarice Feldman of American Thinker produced a dispositive commentary showing that Obama is failing because fundamentally he is neither smart nor articulate; his intellectual dishonesty is conspicuous by its audacity and lack of shame.But, there is something more seriously wrong: How could a new president riding in on a wave of unprecedented promise and goodwill have forfeited his tenure and become a lame duck? What's going on?No narrative. Obama doesn't have a narrative. No, not a narrative about himself.He has a self-narrative, much of it fabricated, cleverly disguised or written by someone else. But this self-narrative is isolated and doesn't connect with us. He doesn't have an American narrative that draws upon the rest of us. All successful presidents have a narrative about the American character that intersects with their own where they display a command of history and reveal an authenticity at the core of their personality that resonates in a positive endearing way with the majority of Americans. We admire those presidents whose narratives not only touch our own, but who seem stronger, wiser, and smarter than we are.Presidents we admire are aspirational peers, even those whose politics don't align exactly with our own:Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Harry Truman,Ike,and Reagan. But not this president. It's not so much that he's a phony, knows nothing about economics, and is historically illiterate and woefully small minded for the size of the task. It's that he's not one of us. And whatever he is, his profile is fuzzy and devoid of content, like a cardboard cutout made from delaminated corrugated paper.Moreover, he doesn't command our respect and is unable to appeal to our own common sense. His notions of right and wrong are repugnant and how things work just don't add up. They are not existential. His descriptions of the world we live in don't make sense and don't correspond with our experience. In the meantime, while we've been struggling to take a measurement of this man,he's dissed just about every one of us, financiers, energy producers, banks, insurance executives, police officers, doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, post office workers,and anybody else who has a non-green job.Expect Obama to lament at his last press conference in 2012: "For those of you I offended, I apologize. For those of you who were not offended, you just didn't give me enough time; if only I'd had a second term, I could have offended you too."
ReplyDeleteMercifully, the Founders at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 devised a useful remedy for such a desperate state--staggered terms for both houses of the legislature and the executive. An equally abominable Congress was voted out this year. With a new Congress, there's always hope of legislative gridlock until we vote for president again two short years after that. Yes, small presidents do fail, Barack Obama among them.Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money." "When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both." James Dale Davidson, National Taxpayers Union "The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." Tacitus "A Progressive is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown. I am Not racist,Not violent,Just not silent anymore.
Well, since both these comments are anonymous I will just guess that they are two separate people. While it's obvious you do a lot of research it's also obvious to me that you too have been brainwashed. Brainwashed by the right winged corporated greedy humanity haters that make up most of the media. Liberal media my ass. When I can listen to my favorite talk radio in the dark without having 50 other AM stations running over it, I will believe we have a liberal biased media. When I can go into any hotel in the country & get MSNBC and Faux; when I can get basic cable with MSNBC & not have to buy premium cable to get it, I will believe in a liberal media.
ReplyDeleteI do agree that Obama has some faults. One of his biggest is trying to compromise with the right. He needs to stand up & give them some of their own medicine. He can do that with out the lies & decietfulness they do it with. George Soros, HA! If only we had about 50 more of him! Yes, the Democratic Party takes big money too, but at least you can see where it comes from. And, yes it's not all "good" money. Personally, I would like to see all money taken out of politics. It's just not fair that people should be allowed to buy our votes.
So, you run out of the people's money with socialism? NO, you run out of peoples money when no one can pay taxes any more because they no longer have a job and all the corporations have put their money off shore so they don't have to pay. You know what is wrong with Social Security? It's because people don't have to pay in after theirr first $106k of the year. But I bet they don't have a problem collecting on that when they retire. You know why we have such deficits? Because Exxon & the like don't pay a dime in income tax while the guy taking your money at the gas pump is paying some unfair percentage of his income. Why is unemployment still so high? Because they aren't using the stimulis money. They aren't rebuilding infrastructure. Corporations are making their workers work longer hours for less money and not hiring. The rich are buying big luxury items and living high off the hog. This last quarter saw the highest profits in history and yet Obama is still considered anti-business. The Presidents biggest fault? He's not tough enough. He needs to stand up to Boehner & McConnell & their thugs and show them who's the boss. I am sick to death of the lies they spew. And just how the hell do they know what the American people want? I'm an American and the obviously aren't listening to me.
And, btw "anonymous" Next time you have something to say stand up and say it with your name. Any one can say a bunch of stuff & not put their name to it. Pretty chickenshit if you ask me.
Of course, corporations don't actually pay taxes, they collect them, in the form of higher prices for consumers, lower wages for employees and/or lower dividends for shareholders. In other words, people pay all taxes in their roles as consumers, workers and shareholders. Raise taxes and the amounts are passed on to the consumer, the middle class, us. Swift move there, lady.
ReplyDeleteExxon is a global company and operates in the United States, Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Russia/Caspian region, and South America. In 2008, Exxon earned about 70% of its profit outside the U.S. and paid 70% of its income taxes outside the U.S., and in 2009 Exxon earned 71.4% of its profits outside the U.S. and paid 81% of its taxes outside the U.S. Source: Exxon's annual reports.
What gets reported by the media is Exxon's second-quarter record profits of $11.68 billion for a U.S.-based company, without distinction between profits earned in the U.S. and profits earned outside the U.S. Likewise, Congress reacts to the total amount of Exxon's record profits with proposals of "windfall profits taxes," without a distinction between profits earned in the U.S. and profits earned outside the U.S.
Therefore, when it comes to a discussion of Exxon's income taxes, it also makes sense to look at Exxon's total income tax payments of $10.5 billion in the second quarter, or $40 billion for the entire year. Although not all of Exxon's income taxes are paid to the U.S. Treasury and not all of Exxon's profits are earned in the U.S., I think it is still useful to put $40 billion of taxes into perspective by comparing that amount paid by a single corporation to the amount of income taxes paid by the bottom 50% of U.S. taxpayers. In other words, record profits for Exxon = record taxes for Exxon.
Stimulus Failure By The Numbers:
ReplyDelete3.5 MILLION: Jobs Obama Promised Stimulus Would Create By End Of 2010. (President Barack Obama, Remarks At The Signing Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, Denver, CO, 2/17/09)
3.3 MILLION: Jobs Lost Since Obama Made That Promise. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 2/16/10)
6.8 MILLION: Jobs Obama Must Now Create To Keep Promise By End Of 2010. (President Barack Obama, Remarks At The Signing Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, Denver, CO, 2/17/09; U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 2/16/10)
1.1 MILLION: Jobs Obama’s Economists Project Will Be Created By End Of 2010. (David Jackson, “Obama Economic Report: Stagnant Job Growth This Year,” USA Today, 2/11/10)
5.7 MILLION: Jobs By Which Obama’s Economists’ Projection Leaves Him Short In Keeping Promise. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 2/16/10; David Jackson, “Obama Economic Report: Stagnant Job Growth This Year,” USA Today, 2/11/10)
6 PERCENT: Not Surprisingly, Number Of Americans That Say Obama’s Stimulus Created Jobs. (Stephanie Condon, “Poll: Economy Brings Down Obama's Job Approval Rating,”CBS News’ “Political Hotsheet” Blog, 2/11/10)
7.7 PERCENT: Unemployment Rate When Obama Was Selling Stimulus In January 2009. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 2/16/10)
8 PERCENT: Unemployment Rate Obama Pledged Stimulus Would Prevent Us From Reaching. (Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein, "The Job Impact Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Plan," 1/9/09)
9.7 PERCENT: Current Unemployment Rate. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 2/16/10)
16.5 PERCENT: Current Unemployment Rate When Underemployed And Discouraged Workers Are Included. (Sara Murray, “Signs Of Hope As Jobless Rate Dips,” The Wall Street Journal, 2/6/10)
334,000: Americans That Have Given Up Looking For A Job Since Stimulus Was Signed. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 2/16/10)
47: States That Have Lost Jobs Since Stimulus Was Signed. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 2/16/10)
10: States That Moved From Single-Digit To Double-Digit Unemployment Rate Since Stimulus Was Signed. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 2/16/10)
$862 BILLION: Updated Cost Of Stimulus, $75 Billion Increase From Last Year’s Cost Estimate. (“The Budget And Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2010 To 2010,” Congressional Budget Office, 1/26/10; Douglas Elmendor, Director, Congressional Budget Office, Letter To Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 2/13/09)
440: Number Of Nonexistent Congressional Districts That Received Stimulus Funds. (Richard S. Dunham, “Site Lists Jobs In Imaginary Texas Districts,” Houston Chronicle, 11/18/09)
$6.4 BILLION: Amount Of Stimulus Funds That Went To Nonexistent Congressional Districts. (Richard S. Dunham, “Site Lists Jobs In Imaginary Texas Districts,” Houston Chronicle, 11/18/09)
$18 MILLION: Cost Of Stimulus Website, (Rick Klein, “$18M Being Spent To Redesign Web Site,” ABC News’ “The Note“ Blog, 7/8/09
I don't care what Exxon made out of the US or what taxes they paid on that profit. I do know they made a US profit and they managed to loop hole themselves into paying zero US income taxes. Of course the corporations are going to pass the tax costs to the consumer otherwise how are they going to make their huge profits?
ReplyDeleteI must say the list of references on the stimulis are impressive. Maybe you'd like to read up on some of the current reports? Or, how about the fact that we were losing 700k jobs a month when Obama came in & now we are actually seeing some job growth? How about these Republican govenors that are using the stimulis in ways to make Obama look bad? I don't have time to sit around all day and look up links, but I do know what I see as visual proof on TV and if I get some time I will actually find some links to prove to you that you are wrong on so many counts. EEEkk I sound like Sarah Palin! I noticed the imaginary districts were in Texas. hmmm I wonder if the Texas governer had anything to do with that?
Obama is far from perfect and this government really sucks all the way around these days, but at least there are some people there that are trying to fight for the little guy. There are more of us after all, it's just too bad that so many of us don't see how we are being screwed by the Republicans.
Job growth? Unemployment up again last month.Hmmmmmm. Please, if you had any economics in college (I'm guessing you went straight past college and right into a commune. Now that I think about it I'm guessing you have no stomach for a commune and are living a comfortable life as someones wife in a house with 2.4 kids and a 2 car garage. That fits much better) that almost all unemployment follows a fairly cyclical route.Let's talk about your visual proof now. I'm guessing MSNBC (Mindless Spouting Nothing But Communism). Now before you blow what little brain you have left I'm not a follower of fox news either. I have a brain. And what bothers me most is you lump corporations into a grouping along with puppy killers and child molesters. As with every aspect of life there are good and bad corporations. Some of these terrible corporations hire my family, provide goods and services we all use, donate to charity, purchase goods and raw materials from other corporations which in turn provides more jobs and so on and so on. Do you not understand that capitalism is intended for individuals to make money? I happen to believe in the American Dream. And who are YOU to say when it's too much? I'm busting my butt in the real world trying to make as much money as possible to provide my family with a decent life, including things that you may find offensive, like vacations and cars and a bigger house, maybe a camper. And if I can come up with my own business model I hope to God I am extremely successful and make boatloads of cash. Why? So I can hire more people, expand, make more money and do the same thing again and again. I already donate time (10 to 15 hours a week)and almost 20% of my gross salary to charitable organizations. My family does as well. Both of my sons work with disadvantaged youth, an extremely tough job. But they work on personal responsibility, they don't expect the govt to hand them money to do their job. Are you willing to give up all that those bad corporations sell? Sell your cars and take public transportation so you use as little fossil fuel as well. Better yet, ride a bike! I see more and more of my money taken out of my paycheck by the dumbocrats, I see govt payroll up over 20%, I see my choices of medical coverage taken away because of that idiotic piece of legislation that was snuck in through a parlimentary procedure. Who's screwing the little guy? Look in the mirror. Democrats and their supporters. Luckily only 22% of Americans now strongly approve of the idiot in the White house and his policies. That's 1 in 5. He's lost over 85% of the independants who helped him win office. Even though this was fun tearing holes in your make believe world This will be my last post. Ill let you post the rehashed garbage MSNBC is cramming in your brain. You can exalt in their ratings...o sorry. What ratings? fox has 4 viewers for every 1 at msnbc. Keep deluding yourself there's more of your type out there. I have better things to do with my time. Oh, by the way, I have no clue who posted the stimuls numbers but he/she's dead on. And Republican govenors using the stimulus to make obamana look bad? I'm sure you also believe there was a second gunman behind the grassy knoll and that there are aliens in area 51 and that those weren't planes being flown into the towers on 9/11.
ReplyDeleteOk, I need to answer you even if you are done with me. I won't let you get away with thinking I'm some dumb robot who believes everything she hears on TV. I'm talking about the documented videos of McCain, Boehner, et al saying one thing months or years ago and now because Obama likes it, it's a terrible idea. Anyway, that's beside the point. I'm happy to hear you are not a Fox watcher. Gives me hope for you. I also am happy to hear you have compassion for your fellow man and have raised your kids to do so. I agree that not all corporations are bad, niether are all millionaires & billionaires. Some of them do some very good things for this world. I also don't think there is anything wrong with making a good living and wanting good things in life. I just think it's wrong to do it on the backs of others as SOME do. I do try to make purchases from the "good" companies. Like, I never shop at Wal-Mart for example and I try to buy Fair Trade as much as possible or US made which is nearly impossible.
ReplyDeleteMore & more money out of your paycheck? That's interesting because I got a tax cut this year on the income tax coming out of my paycheck. The only extra money I saw coming out was to pay those greedy bastards at the medical insurance company. And that had nothing to do with "Obamacare" since that hasn't gone into affect in that area.
Your choice of medical care hasn't gone anywhere. That Healthcare package sucked. It didn't go nearly far enough. The whole system still needs to be fixed.
I do believe that a person should take care of themselves, but there are times when despite everything, a person needs some help. Sure there are moochers, but there are many people out there that just need a fair break and they can't get it living in a car or the park.
And, just for the record, I don't think Oswald came up with killing Kennedy all on his own, maybe there are aliens in Area 51, and I did see the planes fly into the towers, I just believe that it may have been prevented if some one other than those two spawns of Satan weren't in office at the time.
God Bless you for all the good you are doing and have a Merry Christmas.
I stumbled across your blog from someone else's and I just gotta say bravo to you for putting up with the dueling anonymous peeps out there. The couple of blog posts I have read could have been taken right out of my mouth! Which truly makes me happy-strength in numbers and all that.... I'm not into bashing and trying to put labels on your anonymous "friends" , wouldn't it be nice if they too could simmer down and be a bit more lovable and peaceful....I love the "someones wife..." bologna. That is exactly the kind of crap I'm sick of hearing. I will not teach my children hate or intolerance, great, so this guys kids "volunteer" I'm guessing they think they are better then everyone else, just like dear old
ReplyDeletedad.... Anyhow peace & love, thats how I roll....