Monday, June 27, 2011

This Marriage Thing

So, now New York is allowing same sex marriage. There are people who, yes believe it or not, have a problem with this.  What is so hard about this?  This is not a "Gay" thing. It's a human rights thing.  Homosexuality is not a choice.  Allowing this community to get married is not a gateway to man on animal or some other perverted thing.  Calling it marriage is not going to ruin the state of marriage as we know it.  I'm in my second marriage with a man.  It's also about to become my second divorce.  I have a gay cousin whom recently married.  I'll be willing to bet that their marriage lasts longer than my 2 put together.  Her brother was married to a woman and that marriage is dissolved also. 
 What is so wrong with two people who love each other having a commitment to each other and having all the rights that go with it?  Including raising children adopted or otherwise.  They will not be "raising more Gays".  As far as I know most homosexuals come from heterosexual parents.  I really don't think it's something that can be taught.  This is the exact same thing as Women's Rights and rights for minorities.  This is a human thing.  We should all have the right to love whom we love and have all the benefits that go with that. 
  This isn't even a religious thing.  I believe that churches should still have the right to refuse to marry anyone they want.  There is that separation of church & state.  That is between them and God.  My cousin found a church where she was accepted and allowed to marry.  They are out there.  But, no, that is one thing that can't be forced upon them by the State. 
  Why is it that the people who holler the loudest about government staying out of their lives are the ones trying to impose their beliefs on the laws and make government oversee our bedrooms and Dr. appointments?


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