Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Wow, what an amazing week.  Those lame ducks weren't so lame after all.  The repeal of DADT, and ratifying the SALT treaty, just to name two.  I was really beginning to wonder about President Obama, but maybe he just might know what he's doing after all.  Of course I'm still ticked about the tax cuts for the rich, but we are getting some good things out of that.  I am just really worried about what will happen when we find out just how much of our debt the Middle East countries and China really own.  I can't help but think we are still screwed.

On a lighter note, I pray that you all have a blessed holiday season and a Merry Christmas if you celebrate.  Which most people I know do, even if they aren't Christian.  After all is was a Paegan holiday first. ;-)
I just really hope this coming New Year will bring us all lots of love and happiness.  And more tolerance for those different than ourselves, because, really, we are all the same when you get down to the basic humanitiy of it all.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

So little time....

I wanted to post on here today about how sick I am of the Republicans and their greed, but I had to reply to anonymous again & now lunch is over.  Hopefully this weekend I can tell you how much I really want to kick my TV in right now.