Monday, December 17, 2012

What Are We Defending Ourselves From?

Today I had two fathers tell me they needed assault weapons to defend themselves.  From what, I ask??  From the guys in blue helmets & black helicopters?  From the big black boogey man in the White House?  Just what is it that we are so afraid of?  
Personally, I'm afraid of those right-wing tea bagging extremists that are distracting us with all this fear while they take away our decent wages, healthcare, and yes, jobs.  
I saw a picture on Facebook today that showed armed to the teeth riot police protecting the Michigan capital building.  That's democracy??  Ya think just maybe those representatives are trying to pull something over on the citizens of Michigan when they have to conduct their business behind the protection of riot police??  
One of the fathers I spoke to has very young elementary school aged children much like those that were brutally murdered Friday.  He says he teaches his kids how to use the guns.  Great!  If you have guns, you should teach your kids about them.  But, should we be arming all our 6 year olds on the off chance some lunatic with an assault rifle is going to blast his way into their school?  Would that really save them?  Ask that little girl that was accidently shot one day when a classmate brought a gun to school.   
I am so sad for the people in Newtown.  I'm sad for all of us.  And most of all I'm sad for the people who still think the 2nd amendment means we should all get to have an assault rifle with as much ammunition we can get our grubby little hands on.  Wake up people! Before you lose a loved one to a senseless shooting.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Now that's over with...

I have been trying really hard the last few days to back away from politics on Facebook.  I'm tired and I don't want to play anymore.  But today I was sucked back in.  I don't want to play anymore. It just gets me all pissed off to see these people be all freaked out that the President was re-elected.  
OMG!!! He's coming to get my guns!!!  OMG!! We are all going to die from Obamacare!!!  OMG!!!  He's going to take my job!!!  Yeah, like Romney didn't already do that?  OMG!!! We're going to all become Communist, Facists, Marxists!!!  OMG!!!  How did he get to be President again???  
 Well, maybe it's because, thankfully, not everyone in this country watches or believes Faux so called News.  Maybe because we realize that now that the President doesn't have to run for office anymore, he can get down to business & kick some ass in Congress.  Unfortunately, Congress didn't get as cleaned out as it should have, but we made a pretty good dent.  We got some of those right winged tea bagging lunatics out of there. Maybe now they can come together & actually get something done for this country.
I am so sick & tired of listening to Republicans accuse the Democrats of the very things the Republicans are doing.  They never take any responsibility for anything.  When the President was so lame in the first debate we all copped to it, even he did.  But when Romney screwed up, the right blamed it on everyone but him.  They accuse Obama of taking away our rights & creating large government, when it's the Republicans trying to camp out in my bedroom & Dr.'s office, & voting booth for that matter.  What right does an employer have to threaten his employees if they don't vote the right way??  
Obama takes a vacation, Obama goes golfing, Obama spent time with his family.  Oh heavens! the man took a sanity break once in awhile!  And, I'd venture to guess most of those golf games had business going on.
I apologize if this is rambling.  I've just reached my limit with all this. I've been trying really hard to keep a loving attitude towards everyone despite the disagreements, but one can only do so much.  I intend to go back to my sweet self tomorrow, and I'm going to stay away from the politics on Facebook for as long as I can.  It's time to focus on some other things for a bit.  I can't change peoples minds & they aren't going to change mine.  I just hope to God that I can come back in a few months & say I told you so.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Does it really matter?

Does it really matter if we vote? Does it really matter who is President?  To the first question, I say yes.  It matters if we vote and it matters whom we vote for. Right down the line from President to Dog Catcher.  Someone told me they didn't care about who became Governor.  We should care. There is a lot of control at the state level.  
The answer to the second question is a little more complicated.  Grover Nordquist, I believe, said we just need someone with enough digits to hold the pen to sign the bills.  If you look at how many or what kind of bills have gotten through Congress in the last 3 1/2 years, it really doesn't matter who the President is.  President Obama gave us lots of hope for some change, but he has really gotten very little of it done.  What he has been able to get done has be very good and sometimes even great, but his hands are basically tied by Congress. 
Mitt Romney on the other hand, now he's saying he has all these ideas for helping the middle class, but he won't tell us what they are.  Just like he won't show us his taxes.  And now this video has come out that proves the disdain I knew he had for most of this country.  Why would anyone vote for him?  Honestly, I want to hear a real solid reason why someone would vote for this man.  And it has to be other than, He's not Obama.  
A friend of mine posted this question on facebook. She's still waiting for an answer.   

Friday, May 18, 2012

Who do you vote for? And why?

I've been thinking about this question for a few days now.  After talking with some of my more conservative leaning friends & family I wonder how they decide whom they are going to vote for.  For that matter, how does anyone decide? 
Do you vote by political party?  "Daddy always voted ______ so I'm going to vote______."
Do you vote according to the candidates religion or views on social issues.  Pro-Choice or Anti-abortion, equal rights for all or Anti-LGBT?
Or, maybe do you look at the big picture and think about what the candidate will do that is good for the majority of the people? 
I really hope with everything I have in me that it's the last one.  Because you see, there are a lot of people living in this country and, newsflash! they all aren't the same as you.  All this talk that the Republicans, or Tea Party or the far right wackos are putting out there now about who can marry whom, and who can or cannot vote or what goes on between you and your doctor, or who is coming to get your gun, (no one by the way)  is a huge distraction from the fact that as soon as they get into office they will screw you over so fast, you won't know what hit you.
 Think back now to the 2000's, ol' W & his gang had control of the whole shebang.  Did they outlaw abortion? No.  Did they outlaw same sex marriage? No. Did they deport all the illegal aliens? No.  What did they do?  Spent a nice little surplus we has by taking us into two illegal wars and cutting taxes at the same time.  Who does that?  Crooks. 
I could go on & on but I'm not going to dredge up the past.  I just beg of you to think about who you vote for and why.  Read the first amendment of the Constitution.  For that matter, read the whole thing.  This marriage equality thing has nothing to do with what the bible says or what you think God says.  It has to do with basic civil rights for all humans.  See this little spontaneous speech from Mayor Cory Booker.
Our religious beliefs should really have very little to do with how we vote.  It's not supposed to be about that. It's supposed to be about what is good for the whole country.  What can make us great again. We have the freedom to believe or not to believe in the God of our choice.  We need to keep that out of government.  And keep government out of our private lives.  I can't understand how a party of small government wants so bad to be big enough to see what is going on in my bedroom & doctor's office.

Friday, April 27, 2012

A week of Politics & Religion

This week I got to participate in two of my favorite things. Politics and Religion. Or at least be in on the process of both.  Although, the religion part was actually the politics of religion.  Tuesday night I went to the campaign kick off for Dawn Morrell and Bill Hilton who are the Democratic candidates for the state legislature of the 25th district in the state of Washington.  That was pretty cool to be in on the ground floor of that.  Very exciting to see the enthusiasm and see young people there. A nurse and a retired state trooper.  Sounds pretty good to me.  They both have a lot of integrity and truly care about this community and I can't wait to help them win in November.
Wednesday, I went to a special presbytery meeting of the Olympia Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church (USA).  That was not really very exciting at all.  In fact it was very sad.  We had to vote to release four congregations from the Presbytery so they could join other denominations.  You see, the PC(USA) is falling apart. All because of this stupid amendment in the ordination standards that allows, not requires, but allows LGBT people to be ordained.  So, now, because we have lost sight of Jesus and what he was all about, the Presbyterian Church is once again splintering off into a million pieces.  Why can't we focus on the fact we are all family in Christ and by the grace of God love each other?  Makes me very sad.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Elections

Ugh! I'm already sick of the election stuff and we've only had one caucus.  I even found myself watching local news and following more local politics this week just to get away from the Romney, Paul, Gingrich, Santorum show.  None of them come any where close to what a President should be.  They are all selfish, and purely into this for their own gain. You can tell by the inconsistencies of what they say and do.  And, why in the world would you vote for someone to lead government when they think that government is evil??  Of course they will show you how bad government is by destroying it.
I think I'm going to watch a good old fashioned movie or two and forget about this for a few days.  I will get my strength back to fight another day.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Well, here it is 2012.  So many predictions made about this year. So many "signs" that the rapture it coming.  Will we see 2013?  I say we will and we will be in a much better place than we are now.  I don't know what it is, but I have this tremendous feeling that 2012 is going to be one hell of a year! 
Politics are going to be very exciting.  At least now we have a real reason to pay attention to who's running for President and what they are saying.  So, what will it be?  Will you vote for someone who changes their tune depending on the crowd they are speaking to?  Or will you vote for someone who uses social issues to distract us from the real problems of this country?  Or will you vote for someone who has actually tried to get something done?  Albeit, hasn't gotten a ton done due to the Tea Party roadblock sitting in Congress.  Congress! Bah!  That's where we really need to shake things up.  What a bunch of children! 
That's where my hope for change is.