Friday, February 27, 2015

Warning: I am pissed off and I'm going to tell you about it.

So, I have been just barely paying attention to politics lately.  I've been busy with other things for awhile. But now, that I have come out of that and am starting to focus again on what's going on in DC, I find my head wanting to explode.
I want to know where these Republicans in Congress come from??  Who voted for these idiots?  Do these morons even know what the Constitution is?  They certainly seem to think the President doesn't know what the Constitution is. But, if you listen to them talk, they clearly have no clue how the government is supposed to run.  I'm watching the news tonight and there is the idiot from Utah that has a problem with the fact that the fine citizens in Washington DC voted to legalize pot.  He and 3 other Republicans think they have the right to tell DC they can't do it. What the hell??
Then a US Senator is throwing a snowball on the floor of the Senate to prove global warming is a hoax. What the hell??  An now they are voting to keep DHS open for another week??  Seriously?? 

I am so sick and tired of the racist disrespect shown to President Obama. I am so sick and tired of people getting away with outright treason against this country. I am so sick and tired of the greed and corruption running rampant through the corporate community.  These sociopaths that are writing laws and running corporations and running around in Congress are destroying this country.  And, the little Faux Nooz watchers vote them all in because they think these freaks will get rid of the gays and stop abortions. Heelllooo! It's not going to happen.  If they were going to "fix" these things, don't you think they would have done it when W. was in office? 

Look, we are all human, we all have to share this planet.  if we continue down this path, the end will soon be here and this planet will implode on itself, and then where will we be?  What if this is supposed to be our heaven? I don't understand the blatant stupidity of people and the disregard for what we are doing to this planet.

Ugh! I have to stop, I am rambling now.  There is just way too much stupid loose in this country right now.