Thursday, July 21, 2011

Slightly Switching Gears

So, I've been thinking for about the last week, I know, I smell smoke too, and I have come to a decision about my activism and posting on Facebook, and here for that matter. 
Last week I copied a post from a friend:

Don't like gay marriages? Don't get one.. Don't like cigarettes? Don't smoke them.. Don't like abortions? Don't get one.. Don't like sex? Don't have it.. Don't like drugs? Don't do them.. Don't like porn? Don't watch it.. Don't like alcohol? Don't drink it.. Don't like guns? Don't buy one.. Don't like your rights taken away??? Don't take away someone else's. (re-post if you agree)

Anyway, some 47 comments and 10 hours later, I was exhausted.  Then I posted something about not spreading the fear and my friend that started the debate last week started in on me again.  Not that I minded, I was just still wiped from the last debate & actually pretty cranky about all things Congressional that day.  Well, that solidified the decision I had already made last Friday.
I have around 300 friends & family on my list on Facebook.  I love each one of them dearly.  Even the ones I barely know or haven't seen in forever.  We all have very different opinions about things.  I have no problem with this.  I love a good debate.  However, some of the issues we debate can make us very angry at each other for a time.  We are all entitled to have our own beliefs and opinions and I'm not out to change any one's.
So, TA, DA, DA!  I have decided that in the future, I will keep my activism to things factual.  Things that have documented proof that they are true and/or better for the country.  I will not be posting things about Same-sex Marriage, Abortion or Religion.  I have too many people in my life that vehemently disagree with me on some of these social issues.  I don't want to debate those things anymore.  While they are very important, I feel that at this time they are also a distraction from what is really going on in this country.  I am going to focus on the Corporate take over of this country and help to restore the middle class to where we should be.
Thank you for your time. :-)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

I just finished watching "1776" on TCM.  I haven't watched that movie fully through since it first came out in 1972.  It's kind of corn ball given it's a musical about the birth of our Nation, but I actually found myself crying at the end when the Congress voted for and signed the Declaration Of Independence. 
I also found myself, throughout the movie comparing the original congress members to current ones.  It was kind of funny in a way to see that things haven't changed in 235 years. 
I love this country desperately.  I pray that we will get this current crisis right as they did in 1776 when John Adams and the others fought so hard for our independence.  I would really hate to see that fight go to waste after all these years...