Thursday, June 23, 2011

Congressional Republicans ~ The New Two Year Olds

Wow!  When I heard tonight that Eric Cantor refused to continue the budget talks, I thought I was going to throw up!  Like a spoiled little kid doesn't want to play unless he gets it all his way. Normally I try to stay very civil here, but I am really having a hard time with this.  Then I saw a clip of Boehner saying we just can't have tax increases at this time.  Sure, let's just cut all this spending and don't bother to increase revenue. Yeah, that'll work.  You want to cut spending?? Start in the defense department.  Start with Congressional pensions and benefits.

"Government is bad and we should not have regulations."  Except of course when we are regulating women's reproductive choices and workers the right to collective bargaining.
  I just really really hope people wake up before it's too late.  The middle class is about to disappear.  We are losing everything.  The Republicans (Tea Partiers) are taking over and screw everyone else.  Look at what is happening in Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, and now New Jersey.  These Republican governors are running over the middle class.  If they can't get the anti union bills passed, they are coming up with voter registration laws. 
AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!  I am so angry about this I can't even write any more.  I've got to figure out a way to do something about this.

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